Implied Growth:
Implied market growth is the growth rate that equates intrinsic value to current market value, using a constant dividend growth valuation model if applicable. The conditions for determining applicability is that the firm should be generating positive estimated economic dividends using either a residual income or a free cash flow to equity model, to support its current cash dividend policy.
To view the page that provides the implied growth model for each of the stocks listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange, click here.
To view the page that provides the implied growth model for each of the Banks listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange, click here.
Fundamental Growth:
Fundamental or Accounting growth is a top line number that results from the three major decisions that management make for a firm. That is, the investment decision reflected by ROA, the financial decision reflected by Financial Leverage and the Dividend Decision reflected by RR the retention ratio.
To view the page that provides fundamental growth and its decomposition for each of the stocks listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange, click here.
To view the page that provides fundamental growth and its decomposition for each of the Banks listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange, click here.